
Monday, January 31, 2011

All of our Youth are Gifted

There's been a lot of focus in recent years on student achievement, or lack thereof. A dangerous conclusion has been made that if a student is not achieving on a standardized test, then he or she is "at-risk."

Standardized tests do have their place in our schools, of course. I believe this so much that I spend a lot of time talking to students about just this topic - the need to try their best, always, on the standardized tests. A high standardized test score may be THE key to advancing to the next grade level, or to getting into the college of your choice, or to earning that important scholarship.

But I think we run into dangerous territory when we equate a young person's entire academic career on how they do, or do not, achieve on a particular test. When we label students "at-risk" based solely on a test score, or a grade in a course, we are sending the wrong message to our youth. Because the truth is that, in many ways, ALL of our young people are at risk. They are at risk of falling through the cracks, of lacking the self-esteem necessary to live up to their full potentials, of being swayed by society's definition of success instead of their own.

By the same measure, ALL of our young people are also GIFTED. And it's our job as the adults who work with young people to constantly tell our children this. We need to teach them that with respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness, ALL of them can rise to great heights.

I was once labeled "special ed" myself. I was labeled "at-risk" and a potential "menace to society." I was told that I talked to much and that I wouldn't make it and, well, here I am.

And here you are. We all have overcome obstacles in our own lives on our paths to greatness. And we've all had some help along the way. Let's remember that everyday in the work that we do.

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