
Monday, January 9, 2012

"If You Don't Know Where You're Going, Any Road Will Get You There."

This quote by Lewis Carroll reminds us of an important part of progress - intention. 

When we are intentional with our plans and actions, we are more likely to clearly see where we are going and how we are supposed to get there. 

Think about one thing in your life you want to achieve this year. Now let's break it down. 

Is what you want to achieve measurable? In other words, how will you know when you've achieved it? People who have the most success achieving their goals set forth goals that are both measurable and specific. For example, instead of having a goal of "getting healthy." Say "I will lose 10 lbs this year." Or "I will run my first 10-K in June." 

What action steps will you take to achieve your goal? List three of those action steps now. One of them might be a one-time action - like signing up for Weight Watchers (if your goal is to lose 10 lbs) or joining a running club (if your goal is to run your first 10-K). Some of the action steps, however, need to be steps that you will repeat over and over again until your goal is reached - such as "journal all my food, every day" or "run 3 times a week, every week."

And once you have your goal and action steps mapped out, make your intentions public. Call your mom.  Share your goal on facebook. Research shows that people who share their goals with others will feel a heightened sense of responsibility and accountability to get them through those tough days. 

Now seek out a support system. Find a running partner to share your goal with. Let your family know what you're working towards and how they can help you succeed. 

And - perhaps most importantly - be forgiving of yourself. If you have an off-week, that doesn't mean you can't get back on track. Success does not mean never falling; rather, it means having the perseverance to get back up, dust yourself off, and keep on going. 

This life is a beautiful, beautiful journey. And for most people, knowing where you're going and why can make the journey even that much more meaningful. 

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